Breaking the Mold Innovative Teaching Approaches for Urban High Schools

Posted on August 21st, 2023

By Dr. Emir Cruz Fernández

Urban high schools often face unique challenges, from diverse student populations to limited resources. To meet the needs of these students and prepare them for the future, educators must be willing to break the mold and embrace innovative teaching approaches. In this blog, we will explore strategies to help educators in urban high schools foster creativity, engagement, and success among their students.

Embracing Technology

Incorporating technology into the classroom can revolutionize the learning experience for urban high school students. From interactive digital resources to online collaboration platforms, technology opens up new avenues for engagement, personalized learning, and real-world connections. Technology adds intriguing and interactive components to the learning process. Educational apps, simulations, and interactive multimedia content draw students in and make studying more interesting. Students may actively participate in courses thanks to interactive whiteboards, iPads, and other technology, providing immediate feedback and fostering a collaborative learning atmosphere. Technology enables students to have personalized learning experiences that are catered to their needs and interests. Online educational resources and adaptive learning systems can evaluate students' skills, monitor their progress, and offer specialized content and interventions. This method ensures that every student receives the assistance and challenges they need while also addressing students' different learning styles and levels in urban high schools. Thanks to technology, students now have instant access to a wealth of resources and information outside of the classroom.

Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning empowers students to take ownership of their education by tackling real-world problems and challenges. Students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills by engaging in hands-on, collaborative projects while connecting classroom learning to practical applications. Using real-world problems and difficulties, project-based learning (PBL) encourages students to actively engage in their education. It entails creating and carrying out practical projects that allow students to use knowledge and abilities from various subject areas to address challenging, real-world issues. PBL links academic learning to practical applications. Students interact with significant, real-world issues or obstacles that reflect circumstances they encounter outside the classroom. Thanks to this authenticity, students are inspired to learn and use their information in meaningful ways when they perceive the relevance and practical usefulness of their education. Students take charge of their learning processes through PBL. They actively investigate subjects, and research, and decide on matters about the project. Higher degrees of responsibility and autonomy are encouraged.

Cultivating Student Voice and Choice

Giving students a voice and choice in their learning journey fosters motivation and engagement. Providing opportunities for student-led discussions, project selection, and personalized learning pathways empowers students to become active participants in their education.

Community Partnerships

Forging partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and community leaders can enhance learning experiences for urban high school students. Guest speakers, internships, and mentorship programs expose students to real-world professionals and career pathways, helping them make connections between classroom learning and future opportunities.

Cultural Relevance and Representation

Recognizing and incorporating students' cultural backgrounds and experiences is essential for meaningful learning. Integrating diverse perspectives, literature, and resources creates an inclusive learning environment that validates students' identities and promotes cultural understanding.


Breaking the mold and embracing innovative teaching approaches can transform education in urban high schools. By leveraging technology, implementing project-based learning, cultivating student voice and choice, fostering community partnerships, and prioritizing cultural relevance, educators can create engaging and empowering learning experiences for their students. It's time to step outside traditional boundaries and shape an educational landscape that meets the needs of urban high school students and prepares them for a successful future.


Are you an urban high school educator looking to break the mold and revolutionize your teaching approach? Look no further than Emir Cruz Fernández's book, "Marvel Education: A Classroom Management Guide for New Educators and Anyone Serious About Teaching in Urban High Schools." In this groundbreaking guidebook, Professor Emir Cruz Fernández provides innovative teaching approaches tailored to urban high schools. From embracing technology and project-based learning to cultivating student voice and choice, this book equips you with the strategies to transform your classroom into a hub of creativity, engagement, and success. Break the mold, empower your students by clicking this link transform your urban high school classroom!

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