CHAS (Compañía Hispana de Actores Sobresalientes)

CHAS (Compañía Hispana de Actores Sobresalientes) [in English: Hispanic Company of Outstanding Actors] is an esteemed theater group based in New York City. It was established in 1999 by Professor Patricia Chacón in collaboration with exceptional students from the Theodore Roosevelt School in the Bronx. The artistic and technical expertise of Ricardo Barber and Donald R. López from Repertorio Español, as well as José "Cheo" Oliveras and Jason Sturn from Teatro Círculo, contributed to the foundation of CHAS.

At CHAS, we aim to produce captivating theatrical works that convey a message while offering a creative, illustrative, and educational experience for the Hispanic and multicultural communities in the United States. We are passionate about sharing the cultural richness of theater as an art form, exploring its diverse contexts and dimensions.

Under the leadership of Dr. Emir Cruz, CHAS continues to thrive, passionately dedicated to its purpose. We strive to showcase artistic expression and talent within our community, enlightening audiences with thought-provoking performances that transcend cultural barriers.

In summary, CHAS is a distinguished theater group that emerged from a collaborative effort between visionary individuals. We remain steadfast in our commitment to producing impactful theater that resonates with the Hispanic community, celebrating the artistic diversity and cultural heritage that enriches our collective experiences.